Discover Our Self-Storage M&A Expertise
Consumers are experiencing steady increases in housing costs each year. Meanwhile, the ability to accumulate goods has become exponentially easier. This combination is creating growing demand for storage solutions. With zoning and permitting for new storage facilities becoming more challenging every year, asset values have increased. We anticipate this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.
Drachman M&A Co. believes it is paramount to have competent and knowledgeable advisors leading the way for our clients, so we have appointed Eric Whitaker to lead our entry into the Self-Storage M&A market. With over a decade of knowledge and experience in this space, Eric will apply our proven and proprietary strategies to benefit Self-Storage owners nationwide.
We work with consolidators on the national level down to local investors to maximize value. We execute a proven investment banking style process to leverage demand for the benefit of our clients. Through prioritizing the needs of each client, recognizing the value proposition of the asset, and utilizing our expansive database of buyers, Drachman M&A Co. looks forward to making a material impact on the storage space.